展區介紹Exhibition Area Introduction
愛國婦人會館Japanese Patriotic Women’s Association

展覽介紹Exhibition Introduction
「她所看」 Her Views
Creations of three female photographers—Annie Hsiao-Ching Wang, Yi-Chun Liu, and Ya-Yen Lee. They break away from the long-standing perception of predominantly male photographers in the field by presenting "Gender Issues/Female Perspectives."
汪曉青 Annie Hsiao-Ching Wang
在2001-2002年間,藝術家汪曉青初為人母,心中混雜著擔憂,喜悅與考驗,以及未來的藝術生涯是否面臨巨變?她決定以創作的心態來正面迎對的作品:我簽故我在(ISign;I Exist) 、關係測量No.1 & 2 、母親如同創造者 The Mother as a Creator 等四件。
During 2001-2002, artist Annie Hsiao-Ching Wang became a mother, experiencing mixed feelings of worries, joy, challenges She questioned the upheavals in her future artistic career.. She confronts these feelings with art creation: ISign;I Exist, Relative Measure No.1 & 2, The Mother as a Creator.
劉怡君 Yi-Chun Liu
《迷因巫世代》之 「金毛」 系列。金毛是標本師,她有五花八門的收藏品,作者微妙的拿捏組合這些動物的屍體標本、肉類、花卉、等原本脆弱的素材,拼湊拍攝出堅實的影像,描述著衝突性的異想,演繹出生命消逝和死亡。
The “Blonde” series from the 《Witch Generation》
Blonde is a taxidermist and possesses an eclectic collection. The artist delicately combines specimens of animal corpses, meat, flowers, and other originally fragile materials, crafting firm images that depict conflicting fantasies, unraveling life’s transience and death.
李雅姸 Ya-Yen Lee
My encounter with the Wind, Rain, and Light in Tainan.
Wandering through the streets and alleys of Tainan, I imagine the bustling activity of ships along the Five Harbors from years past. Officials, merchants, laborers, and the local community gave rise to a thriving market. Strolling through history as if in a trance, I arrive at the present, documenting the textured details of Tainan—a city rich in history, culture, and religious flavors.