

黃建亮Jian-liang Huang

策展人簡介Curator Profile

電影/紀錄片導演、臺南國際攝影節總策展人、亮相館影像文化股份有限公司影像總監,輔仁大學專業技術副教授。紐約視覺藝術學院攝影美術碩士,南伊利諾大學攝影與電影學士,曾任聯合報系「願景工程」影像組總監。電影《喜宴》劇照及平面攝影,專職影像創作 40 年,投身影像教育逾 30 年。

Huang is a film/documentary director, the chief curator of the Tainan International Photo Festival, the Director of Image at Lianxiang Image Culture Co., Ltd., and an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University. MA in fine arts in photography from the School of Visual Arts, NYC, Huang has dedicated 40 years to professional image creation and over 30 years to the field of image education. Former Director of Image Division for the "Vision Project" at the United Daily News Group. Photographer and documenter of the film “The Wedding Banquet” by Ang Lee.