參展攝影家 Participating Photographers
汪曉青Annie Hsiao-Ching Wang
藝術家簡介Artist Profile
1972 年生於臺灣臺北,英國布萊敦大學藝術博士。美國《The New Yorker》雜誌、英國《BBC》、中國《人物》雜誌於2018年列她為全球25名人之一。於英國、日內瓦、紐約 、韓國、澳洲、義大利、Paris Photo、AIPAD等國際攝影節展出,享譽國際。
Born in Taipei in 1972, Wang received her PhD in Art from the University of Brighton in the UK. The New Yorker, BBC and the Chinese publication Portrait Magazine ranked Wang as one of the top 25 most influential persons of 2018. Wang’s works have been admired internationally, and exhibited in more than 20 countries around the world