參展攝影家 Participating Photographers


王徵吉Jeng-Jyi Wang

藝術家簡介Artist Profile

1946 年生於臺南市。自稱黑琵先生(Mr. Happy),原本在中華日報擔任攝影記者,1992年投入「濱南工業區開發案」的生態保衛戰,協助挽救全球瀕危物種--黑面琵鷺,直到2009年成立「臺江國家公園」。2023年知名的鳥類生態電影導演梁皆得,攝製《守護黑面琵鷺》電影長片於全臺灣戲院上映,也讓更多人認識王徵吉老師的辛苦與成績。

Born in Tainan in 1946, Wang calls himself “Mr. Happy (Pronunciation in Chinese as hei-pi, meaning black-faced spoonbill).” Former photojournalist for the China Times, he engaged in ecological protests against the "Binnan Industrial Zone Development Project" in 1992, and contributed to the conservation of the endangered black-faced spoonbill till the "Taijiang National Park" was established in 2009. In 2023, film director Jiede Lian produced the documentary "Guardians of the Black-faced Spoonbill," bringing wider recognition to the dedication and contributions of Wang.