關於臺南國際攝影節 About
2023 年臺南國際攝影節也肩負「臺南400」的前導展的功能,將整個展覽轉進城區,內容以市中心的歷史街區為主要內涵。幾百年來在南臺土地上不同文化的積累,造就了擁有全臺灣最豐富歷史紋理的市街區域,幾百年來的城市建設,很多在當時被認定為次要的東西被捨去了,時間不斷前進的長河中,土地上的樣貌活生生的演變,到今天少數被保留的成為古蹟,但還有許多文化內涵就被摺疊進不同的角落、透過食物、廟會儀式等不同的方式保存下來。
2023 年臺南國際攝影節以臺南影像與整座城市交陪,攝影節期間除帶來攝影上街靜態展覽外、還有豐富動態活動—攝影上桌 Tainan Photo Go交流活動、攝影上臺系列講座、攝影上街專家導覽、及南門路店家串聯等搭配展出,歡迎喜愛藝文的朋友相約參加,共同敘事臺南 400。
About Tainan International Photo Festival
The 2023 Tainan International Photo Festival also serves as a precursor to the 400th anniversary of Tainan. Exhibited in the city center, the Photo Festival focuses primarily on the historical districts.
With the accumulation of different cultures over the centuries, Tainan has become a historical city of cultural diversity. As time passes, urban constructions were taken down, and the city landscape has gone through significant changes. Though only few are designated as cultural heritages nowadays, yet other cultural elements are transformed and preserved in different ways, such as food, temple festivals, and rituals.
Only by using photograph as a medium can the images of Tainan from different eras be captured with meticulous detail and preserved through the eyes of young photographers from different perspectives. Also, only in a city with such culture context as Tainan can photographers from different generations gaze upon this precious land, observe, explore, and innovate with their unique insights.
The 2023 Tainan International Photo Festival communicates with the entire city via images of Tainan. In addition to photo exhibit on street, there are also a series of dynamic activities, including the Tainan Photo Go event, lectures on photography, guided tours, and extended installations in local stores along Namen Road. Welcome to join us and participate in the storytelling of Tainan’s 400 years of history.